Thirteen on Day 15!

It’s mildly terrifying!!! RUNN!!!!!!!

Never to shy away from a good and scary freak-out, Lori Meeker brings us one of the most terrifyingly mild pieces to hit Gothtober yet. Visit Day 15, and don’t say I didn’t warn you.  Within the parameters of the Gothtober framework comes a series of images that are sort of kind of disturbing in a mellow sort of way.

Watch this piece, and you may begin to feel the edges of your sanity begin to stay pretty much the same, but make you feel… like… 2% uneasy or something.

You might finally begin to comprehend the vaguely unsettling feeling people talk about on the news when they’ve just come from a placidly terrifying experience. You may experience no trouble sleeping, not all that much difficulty concentrating, you might think you’re hearing or seeing things, but not in a way that would make you lose your mind, just in a way that’s sort of weird or irksome. And it’s funny, did I mention that? Go see!


Day 9: Paws of terror

Gothtober squirrelThis doo-wah ditty may sound carefree at first listen, but don’t be fooled: Artist Paul Gailiunas sings of pure horror, of the ages-old struggle between man and nature, of a regular guy just tryin’ to live the suburban dream but subject to tyranny in his own back yard. Even the cats lurk with caution, casting a circumspect almond eye to the treetops.

You might sway and tap your foot; you might even sing along. But when you walk outside, what nightmare awaits you, acorns of doom poised in its terrible claws?

Find out! (if you dare)