Visit Gothtober 2019 and check out DAY 14!
Coming to you all the way from FRANCE is this Terry Gross-style interview with a pumpkin, who in all honesty, is a bit prickly. I don’t know if you could expect such countenance from every squash you come across. Talking pumpkins are rare, so it’s a very informative exposé on the life of a jack-o’lantern.
Are you wondering how this piece was made? Here is a special “Behind the Scenes” look at how Mike engineered the talking pumpkin:
And just so you know, the technologically advanced “movie puppeting stick” Mike used to manipulate the pumpkin’s jaw was: a chopstick.
Thank you, Mike, for introducing us to Jacques the pumpkin, please tell him he’s got lots of fans. Happy Halloweeeennnn!!!