Visit gothtober.com and click on DAY 2 by the Thomas Family to download your very own guide for making some delightful items for a Halloween feast! You’ll catch quick site of Khoga the Demon, the official mascot of downloading your recipes. I thought I’d ask some questions about Khoga and the recipes:
Who exactly is Khoga the Demon?
Khoga is the adorable little guy pictured in the pumpkin patch with the special monster cookbook
When does a demon find the time to cook?
Can be tricky – but it’s much easier now that people are spending so much time at home.
Is Trader Joe’s readymade pizza dough the kind to use, or what brand do you recommend?
Any variety of ready made dough works, and if you’re feeling extra creative, try making pizza dough from scratch!
Is store bought marinara okay?
Totally ok – it’s all about using the easy button!
Where can one buy allergy safe chocolate? What is that?!?
Haha – allergy safe chocolate means it’s TOP 8 free. The brand we like is Enjoy Life (actually free from 14 allergens: wheat • peanuts • tree nuts • dairy • casein • soy • egg • sesame • sulfites • lupin • mustard • fish • shellfish • crustaceans) and can be purchased online, at your local grocery store (Ralphs, Target, Vons), or on Amazon. But if you don’t need to cook allergy safe, feel free and use your favorite brand of chocolate, or any other ingredient listed in our recipes.
Any factoids or interesting things happen while making/cooking this feast?
Watch out for little fingers when you’re skewering the blueberries to the lychee berries for the floating eyes drink – those things are pokey and hard to work with if you’ve got monster hands!
So there you have it! Get your recipe book and get cookin, it’s Fall-tastic!!!