Gothtober Day 26: “Gore” with Michael Gump, aka, Bob Bugs!

Bobbugs is none other than Michael Gump, the Master of Disguise! He and talented colleague, Brandon Minton, collaborated to make a stop-motion disguise especially for Gothtober. Watch how he transforms from mild-mannered mortal man to the shadow of his former self!
Bobbugs conceals himself with a different every single day. EVERY SINGLE DAY! And he’s on his second year of doing it! years ago he tried on lots of different disguises to make a Gothtober piece, but he decided to try the 365 day challenge, which was so satisfying, that he hasn’t stopped yet! Check out this great story about him that tells you more about the daily challenges Michael faces in creating a new look every 24 hours!
Find his daily disguises on Instagram@Bobbugs!
Ten years ago, for Gothtober 2005, Michael Gump, the not-s0-secret-agent of wonderful artistic works, showed himself in a plethora of clever disguises. Here’s the original (see above.) Now it’s 10 years later, and Michael decided that for 2015, he’d do a different disguise for 365 days, it’s a work in progress, and you can check out some of his favorites on DAY 6 of Gothtober, and then, to keep up with past and future efforts, follow him on Instagram as Bobbugs. Lucky friends of Michael sometimes get to help him with his project. In one frame, he is covered with “Mom love notes” made by an awesome Mom we know who would give them to her daughter every day. In another daily photo, someone is spilling glitter on him. There is one where Gump is covered in human hands!
Michael asked me to paint him last month! I’ve always wanted to paint an ear blue, and now I can say that I have. It was a luminous and rewarding experience. – Julianna Parr, Gothtober’s Head Candy Corn
It’s death-defying, it’s stupefying, it’s THE MOST INCREDIBLE SHOW YOU’LL EVER SEE! And it’s all visible by clicking Gothtober Pumpkin #13!!! The Gump Family has done it again with a spectacle you’ll not want to miss this Spooky season!
Michael Gump of BananaBee Lab has wrangled the Gump household and friends into making a marvelous pageant of colorful Halloween Circus display. You’ll see trained spiders! (I think they’re saying “yummy yummy” is that correct?) You’ll see the Strongest Monster, you’ll see the funny clowns and SO MUCH MORE!
The master of ceremonies is voiced by the young and amazing Arrow Gump, and you can hear his (also quite amazing) younger sister Pixie in the background providing dynamic fanfare! Daddy Gump can be heard as various characters, and Mama Gump was doing a bit of puppetry here and there.
Joel and JJ Day Departments helped with the camera magic, and Grapejuice helped edit the thing into the fast-paced, action-packed showstopper that it is today.
Apparently, Arrow walked up to his Dad and said “Dad, we’re doing The Halloween Circus this year” and so the project began with all the making and doing that goes along with building a circus! Gotta put up the tents, water the um… crocodiles and get those skeletons and spiders in line! This family really knows how to put on a show.
I hear that Halloween circuses are especially challenging since half of the staff is nocturnal, which is also something that Gothtober has here at the headquarters, a succinct inability to regulate decent circadian rhythms, and such is the life of vampires. Anyway, go see The Halloween Circus, it’s a rousing success, you can watch it over and over again and it just keeps getting more exciting!