The Spice is on the Pumpkin, and the Pumpkin’s in the Latté

According to Frank Woo, International Handsome Man of Mystery, CraftNight Crafter and Starbucks employee extraordinaire, your pumpkin-flavored sipping experience has officially arrived! 

Technically, it’s not Fall until September 22nd, but if you’ve just got to have the taste of nutmeg and clove and spicy sassy pumpkin that sets the scene for “October’s Bright Blue Weather” you can get started right this very minute without an iota of hesitation. I believe you can also get it in Frappé form, AND salted caramel mochas are also available.

Matter of fact, I dare you to get some Candy Corn Oreos and wash them down with a pumpkin spice latté and see if your glycemic index forces each of your teeth to hum in four-part harmony. It’s an indecent request, but worth trying, in the interest in order to live a rich, full life, especially if you survive.

Thanks Frank!