Gothtober Day 31: Bona Bones Closes Out Gothtober 2017

Visit and click on DAY 31 to see the VERY LAST DAY of Gothtober 2017 by Bona Bones!
Enjoy this lovingly mellow animated situation where a conjurer fixates on makings that suit the appetite. It’s not just fun to watch, it’s a treat for the ears as well. Wouldn’t it be nice to not open and close the fridge every time you wanted a snack, but just have the power to bring forth a snack from wherever using your powers? Ah, it would be nice, yes it would. Find out more about Bona Bones HERE! 
And that concludes our calendar of options, our artist show-off-a-rama for the Halloween season! Happy Halloween, eat all the candy, chop off all the fingers, and lick all the toads!

DIY Mobile of Madness • Nockels DAY 18

arachneNormally, to come in contact with the characters featured for Gothtober DAY 18, you’d have to do stuff like drown in some water, go climbing up snowy precipices, join a cult, or go wandering alone through vampiric-laden parts of Thailand. But Christine Nockels made it really easy for you, you don’t have to go anywhere or do anything. They’re all right here for you to download, color, cut and assemble into a mishmash of terrifying creatures who have probably never met each other until now!

One of these creatures is a mythical amphibious monster inhabiting inland waterways. Still another is a nocturnal female spirit of Southeast Asian folklore.

There are no less than EIGHT wonderfully drawn incarnations of beautifully creepy and odd beings in the collection.

If you are wondering “How can I make a mobile, I don’t understand!” It just so happens we’ve got just what you need right here on the good ol’ internet! Follow these instructions and you should have a pretty lovely terrifying mobile at the end of your efforts.

Carl C. Jung was one of the first psychologists to realize how beneficial coloring is for the human mind. Coloring is like a type of meditation, forcing you to hone your attention down to the task of filling in selected spaces with color, taking your mind off of lots of other things, including stressful things. We’re glad Christine chose a series of horrible legendary bloodthirsty beings for you to color, otherwise you might get TOO relaxed this Halloween, and we wouldn’t want that.


Euro Monster Smash from Frankfurt, Germany for DAY 13

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Hold onto your eyeballs, it’s DAY 13 with the Chambers!

Not all that far from Stuttgart is Frankfurt, but wow is Frankfurt far from Gothtober Headquarters in Los Angeles! We’re so excited to offer MORE work from distant lands, a Gothtober family in Germany! We love the internet because it lets art travel here from outer space! Bridging the gap from bratwurst to hot dogs is the miracle of online perseverance, a true international collaboration, we couldn’t be prouder of our International participants!!!

Here is where the Chambers family is sending their art from, it’s out there! Someday we hope to visit!

There are many monsters from mythology you do not want to meet, but we must insist that you meet these. Thought up by the young Nigel and then brought to life with his parents, Christy and Brian, here we have quite a gruesome gallery of beautifully illustrated creatures thoughtfully caged behind your computer screen so that you don’t have to worry about safety. It’s a mixed media treasure trove of droll entertainment.

The Chambers are like the Frankensteins, but instead of using human remains and lightening, they’ve paper puppets and stop motion magic to breathe life into thirteen creations. It’s alive… IT’S ALIVE!!!!