CAMP BLOOD • Day 31 Concluding Gothtober!!!

Get scared all queer style with Ian MacKinnon for Halloween!

Don’t be mooning anyone on Camp Crystal Lake, because someone is watching, someone named Jason Voorhees. If you encounter a hockey mask-wearing madman on the way to your cabin, don’t say I didn’t warn you. You may think you know Jason, but think again.

Not everyone knows the TRUE story of Jason, and it’s high time the world knows, he’s not just a ripoff of Michael Myers in Halloween, he’s not just a wild slasher in the woods, he’s so so much more…

This video is the creative child of WIG OUT! (cabaret run by none other than the extremely fantastic Jean Natalia.) Featuring the works of Ian MacKinnon and the dancing of Gregory Barnett! Originally a live performance for “Bloody Summer Camp” night, post-show the usual mutual adoration/comeraderie ensued and that night it was agreed that this video was getting made. VIVA LA WIG OUT!!!!!!!!!!!


Pumpkin Time with Christine Panushka • Day 30

The pumpkins are BACK and ready for a dance, but we seem to be following a few themes of this year’s Gothtober, one of them involves the perilous plight of fruits and vegetables! Another theme people are following this year is metal music! But not this piece, this is a crazy little tale of pumpkins on the run, during their night time escapade. See what we mean by clicking on Gothtober Day 30 by the illustrious Christine Panushka. 

Happy Madness with Brudders • Day 29

You know how it is, you go to the drive-through, get your Happy Box with the toy surprise inside, and maybe it’s something you want… and maybe it isn’t. Presenting from Little Green Dog an exquisite piece of candy for your eyeballs, starring the characters from the comic called Brudders. Team Little Green Dog is no stranger to Gothtober, here is a link to their piece for Gothtober from 2005 called Hello Frankenstein. We’re happy to have them back again with this special drive-through treat.

Demons, Bicyclists, Hamburgers, Oh MY! Day 28

Shot in and around Echo Park, Los Angeles, this is the first Gothtober film to involve demon possession via fast food hamburger. Look closely at the branding in this film, and be careful if you ever see a Chamuco Restaurant when you’re driving around town… maybe keep driving. That’s it, just roll on by, and if you see beautiful women eating Chamuco burgers that tell you you’re “totally nice” and follow you in their truck: RUN.

The film makers were shooed away from various parts of Los Angeles by people insisting they had to have permits. Neighbors were alerted from the blood-curdling screaming performance and came out to the porch with concern, and then amusement. One neighbor let the crew use her kitchen to wash off after a particularly gory scene. This is guerilla filming at its best, get out there and use the nearest cul de sac to make a masterpiece! We think you’ll agree, this was done in spades and then some by Coral Lobera of Listen Lady Productions and Vladimir Santos of Exploding Buffalo. 

Star-crossed Fruits for Day 27 with Billy Kheel!

If you see any tear-jerking heartstring tugging fruit-oriented anthropomorphic film this year, make it this one! The bad luck of citrus love probably doesn’t hit all oranges, but one fine day in this orange grove, orange A meets orange B, and it’s a match made in heaven… but not for long! We’re not really sure what the fascination has been with Jamba Juice for Mr. Kheel… (last year’s piece, someone was drinking juice while hanging in the tanning bed) perhaps we’ll never know.

But honestly, it just isn’t Gothtober without Billy Kheel, he’s been with us since the beginning. His trademark weirdness prevails yet again for another season of the type of gruesome greatness we’ve come to expect from this skilled veteran. Working with Glen Alger Schricker, they’ve put together an emotional drama that hits every button from laughter to tears, and has changed the way you think about your fresh squeezed juice forever.

Want to know more about the artist? Here’s Billy’s site! 

There’s Mud Monster in Your Eye • Day 26

Accompanied by music composed by Michael Mahalchick, the world of breathing stop-motion ceramics by Professor Rattlesnake (aka Trixy Sweetvittles, aka Shelly Wattenbarger) introduces an otherworldly hallucinatory metamorphosis to your monitor.

Today marks the new moon. Breathe in, breathe out, and follow the mud, and see where it takes you. It is said that some mud monsters are over 200 years old. Some mud monsters like to dirty dance their way through the moonlight, some are accountants, others are sitting real still to form sedimentary rock, as is customary when those ecological deposits start to accumulate. Mud monsters (not to be confused with muck monsters, slurry monsters or clay/adobe monsters) are an adventurous lot and today’s Gothtober piece reinforces that  fact. This gritty (with sand, clay and water) individual’s adventure into the cave of madness will deliver you to parts unknown, enjoy your trip!


An Ancient Myth with Stephanie Abler • Gothtober Day 25

There’s nothing like a red-robed goddess riding on the back of a lion to brighten your day! Told in a mode reminiscent of the Cherial Scrolls used in storytelling traditions of India, Stephanie Abler returns to Gothtober with a beautifully illustrated tale from one of the world’s oldest religions. This six-minute sequence that combines 29 gouache paintings with sound and music tells an ancient story in which a goddess battles a demon in the form of a buffalo.

Watch Durga the goddess get to work with her sword, a trident, a bow and arrow, her rope, and other weapons (she has a lot of arms)! Watch her fight lions, warriors, an elephant and many other demon forms! Get some popcorn and enjoy this captivating whirlwind Hindu story of creation and destruction where the cosmos show that even gods and goddesses spiral through an unending cycle of birth, death or dissolution, and reincarnation.

And if you like Steph’s work as much as we do, check out Stephanie Abler’s blog! 

Doppelgänger Monday • Day 24’s Amy Lockhart

You’re sitting on the couch, eating some crumbs, and then, out of nowhere, a facsimile of yourself approaches you, picks a fight with you and all heck breaks loose! Observe the meta experience of one Sharky the Cat, here for his second Gothtober experience, a feline fray not for the weak at heart. You may be superstitious and believe that a black cat crossing your path is bad luck. Don’t worry, the rule doesn’t extend to computer monitors, black cats on computer monitors are okay, which is good, because there are TWO of them.

Amy Lockhart is an amazing animator, and she’s going to be making a film about The Dizzler. If you want to make sure you’re updated, visit the Dizzler blog once in awhile to stay in the loop.

The Tricks and Treats of Echo Park • Day 23

Jenny Walsh is one of Gothtober’s extreme veterans, you can track her pieces all the way back to the very first Gothtober. One of the cool things about Gothtober is that often, not just friends, but family gets involved in various Gothtober pieces! We know a Mom who can make the best jell-o brain you’ve ever seen, we’ve witnessed people’s cousins getting chomped by zombies, and we’ve watched babies born in the month of Gothtober grow up to be full-blown candy-eatin’ kids! You will see candy eatin’ kids in this Gothtober piece, the kids of Jenny and Dave, born and raised in Echo Park. Gothtober is made in Echo Park, and while we get to give out candy over here, we didn’t grow up as full-blown trick-or-treaters in our neighborhood. Seeing trick-or-treating through the eyes of actual kiddos is pretty cool. It is true that, like the Flying Dutchman, the Ghost Lowrider of Echo Park cruises through the neighborhood blocks, its deep bass setting off car alarms and making trees shudder as it makes its way to the great beyond…

Birds, Cats, Dolphins, Pumpkins! Day 22 by Kristin (JP) Pepe

Starring in a debut cartoon appearance today is one of the world’s most favorite cats “Children of the Corn” in this feline’s first Halloween cartoon special! Populated by multicolored houses and apartments with curly cue smoke stacks, Yellow Bird and Children of the Corn live a mostly peaceful existence.  It’s only a matter of time, however, before some rough neighborhood dolphins start to cause some trouble. Can yellow bird (who has a really unkempt lawn) do what’s right to save the town? Put on your Pan Am cap and watch this pilot episode of Mind Playin Tweets on Me by Kristin (KP) Pepe for Gothtober Day 22.