Gothtober 11th: Haunted Bus Stop

“It’s hard to compile 30 hours of bus stop footage into three minutes” said Alex Kenefick, who decided to haunt his neighborhood bus stop to see how locals might react. He put the weirdest freakiest stuff out by the bus stop, like skulls and gravestones and cobwebs. It was very interesting to see the many things that happened, lots of it ended up on the cutting room floor.

Here are some things that were cut from the movie:
1.) 2 guys who walk by and make out
2.) People stealing all the headstones and skulls
3.) Plerplexed elderly woman dressed in orange
4.) Moped guy zooming through traffic
5.) A blowing, drifting bag in the street
6.) Vibrant green taxi cab

Alex’s goal is to get crazy and TRULY HAUNT a bus stop for a long amount of time next year, so please contact Gothtober if you want to help him, it will be lots of fun!

This now famous bus stop is in Los Angeles, and it’s on 6th and Westmoreland. Visit it in person, or online at Gothtober DAY 11!

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