Have your Sin Without Leaving Home!


Every so often, Gothtober is lucky to have some contributors who really throw down and take it all off. We’re talking about the Mercurial Sisters and their blatant habitual propensity for recording themes embracing the female form. This year, they have decided to take DAY 7 on the calendar and give to you the SEVEN SINS. What’s awesome is that you don’t even have to venture outside the house to look at this sensational and dazzling rendition of the Capital Vices, or Cardinal Sins, as observed both historically and by contemporary society. You can even sin while looking at your monitor!

Part of defining goodness is determining what goodness is NOT. The Mercurial Sisters know all too well that sin is a fascinating topic, sin is lawlessness, perverse inclination, clouded conscience, a pinching of the soul and the glorious celebrated root of free will. If what we know as the divine is essentially perfect and good, then all else in existence is merely a deficiency or limitation, a distraction from perfection. By and large, this is how we humans and our little evocative quirks make soap operas waaaay more interesting.

Take a look at today’s SEVEN DEADLY SINS, and tell yourself you aren’t tempted or aroused or at least intrigued by a little of what you see. Revel for a moment in the sin you’re best at, which one preoccupies you the most? Enjoy DAY 7, dear viewer, and if you’re going to embrace your imperfections and be tempted… as Plato and Socrates used to say “Know thyself.” Then go have yourself a blast!

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