Gothtober Day Day 14: PUMPkin starring: Cassils!

 Visit and click on DAY 14 to see what the latest exercise trend is for fall!
It’s never too late to begin your path to a healthy, strong body, and Cassils is HERE with a new program called “PUMPkin.” It involves a rigorous fitness routine combining meditation, transformation, jubilation, fabulation, and really a lot of orange-colored fall season squash. This is your cornucopia of fully-realized components, bringing you the work/life balance you’ve always dreamed of, the workout is only 6 hours long, and you’ll feel the results instantly!
Seriously though, the feats captured in this informercial are REAL, showing the raw power that Cassils packs into an explosive display of glorious and challenging calisthenics right before your very eyes.

Find out more about Cassils and JP  here!