Get Rid of Boredom Once and for ALL!


It’s been an EVERY DAY TRICK-OR-TREAT on the Gothtober Calendar!

DAY 16 is a spooky sound download from Dark Adams, download it, and then play it through your subwoofers and scare people half to death with it’s creepy audio craziness!

DAY 17 Oonstein gives you a recipe you can download for GIANT Pumpkin Muffin-Top Cookies — YUM!!!

DAY 18 takes us into a contemplative and informative vignette about fear, it involves driving, beware…

DAY 19 features our YOUNGEST independent Gothtober artist, amazing renderings of monsters making out! Really!

DAY 20 is a little ditty by none other than world-famous animator, Christine Panushka! If you’d like to see something really cool on October 26th at 8:30pm at the RedCat in Los Angeles, check out Mosca and the Meaning of Life by Christine Panushka and Alberto Araiza. See this groundbreaking multimedia piece in which animated characters leap off the screen and join up with live performance!

DAY 21 is a heartrending story of rejection and longing, told through the eyes of a lonely amphibian. Over 25 individual charcoal drawings for this piece were lovingly crafted by Stephanie Abler, who in addition to her own blog and portfolio website, has products for purchase at her store, Elsie Tervo.

DAY 22 might make you feel a little queasy, but we’re hoping it also makes you feel a little Crafty! Christy Chambers has created a fantastic project for YOU! It’s a diagram on how to crochet your very own disembodied head! Eeeeeeee!!!!

Which brings us to TODAY, DAY 23! Jenny Walsh has been DAY 23 for the last 6 years on Gothtober, and as usual, she has brewed something up the likes of which you’ll thrill to look at, as you eat a jar of pickles, boil some centipedes and wait for the phone to ring…

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