TACOPOPCORN Helps You Apply for Gothtober!


It’s August, but that doesn’t mean it’s Autumn, why no, far from it. And you’re not really thinking about Halloween right now, I understand, it’s miles away. But the Application to apply for Gothtober is due August 29th so that you can have ALL of September to work on your Gothtober piece! This is why I’m introducing you to TacoPopcorn, it will give you the strength to BELIEVE that applying for Gothtober is something you could do, even if you don’t think you’re the type to do it.

Most people’s idea of “success” is not TacoPopcorn. But TacoPopcorn releases endorphins when you eat it, which means it could reintroduce you to who you are! You could be all like “I made this, I’m a person who can make things, and dang this TacoPopcorn is giving me courage, by golly!”


2 tb. vegetable oil
3/4 cup popcorn kernels
1/4 cup butter, coconut or olive oil
1/4 cup nutritional yeast
1 -2 tb. Taco Seasoning (make your own or Trader Joe’s or whatever)
pinch of Berbere Seasoning (the secret ingredient that adds complexity and a tiny bit of sweetness!)
dash of chili powder or Tabasco for heat
another dash of garlic powder because garlic
salt to taste

Pop your popcorn like you do, throw it in a big bowl, drizzle or spray with oil (I have an olive oil mist-thinger) then sprinkle your spice mixture in stages onto the popped kernels, mixing with each stage to make sure you’ve got even coverage. It’s ready to eat, and OlĂ© you’re ready to apply for Gothtober!